Wednesday 2 June 2010

The Evolution of New Friendships


It’s Wednesday morning and I’m very tired. I’m forcing myself to wake up early every day this week so it’s not a shock when I have to do it again next week on tour.

So, I arrived back in Kettering last Friday around 6.30pm, literally threw all my touring stuff into the house, shouted goodbye to Rob, jumped straight into my car and flew to the final rehearsal for Starlight’s show ‘Evolution’. I thought everyone would be in the middle of a run through of the whole show but luckily the Starlight kids were there running through their routines and I just managed to run into the studio, throw my bag down and take my place in time for the dance routine to Britney Spears’s ‘Circus’.

The final run-through on Friday night was amazing. I’d hardly been to any rehearsals due to being in a different part of the country nearly every week since rehearsals began, but if I’m honest, what I did see when I was back didn’t fill me with the greatest confidence that it was going to be a good show. Rehearsals finished on a high and then it was back to my usual routine of heading to Jacc’s house after rehearsals to eat crap food, watch some 90’s television programmes and in this case, finish sewing children’s costumes for the next day!

The calming of Jacc is also another challenge that I face on show week! And this night was no different; suddenly things were going missing that had been there in the afternoon, his stress levels were going through the roof… I was just glad when our dirty burgers arrived so we could stuff our faces and forget about the show for 2 minutes!

I was ridiculously tired that night, a week of shows ending up in the worst school in Basingstoke, followed by a horrendous journey back home, stopping in every traffic jam possible made me very grumpy indeed, and so when Jacc showed me the final programme for the show, I almost cried. Nestled away at the bottom of the ‘Thank you’ page were the words “Evolution is dedicated to Natalie Castka. Joined at the hip, together we evolve”. Just a few words that meant so much. It was the best early birthday present I could have wished for, and I thank you so much Jacc!

I eventually finished the costumes around midnight, and after being assured that my services were no longer needed, I made my way back home to sort out the rest of my required show bits. I had sorted out all of my costumes weeks before on one of my breaks from the tour, but hadn’t sorted the little things like make-up, tights, shoes, first aid…. the list goes on. By the time I had eventually gathered everything together, had a shower and made several lists of things I had to take, I climbed into my bed at 2am.

I was terrified that I wouldn’t wake up on time on Saturday due to my ‘snooze’ addiction. Not once had I woken up at my alarm’s specified time this week. But I knew that if I was late to the theatre, my life would not be worth living! So I was early!! I managed to gather all my belongings together and ready at the front door by 8.45am, and our call time at the theatre wasn’t til 10! I had a little chat with my brother, we booked ourselves some tickets to see Ricky Gervais in Birmingham in August (eeee!), and then I made a trip to Tesco for some food supplies for the day. I also took the opportunity to pick up some liquid refreshment for the after-show party but had to ask the lady at customer services if I was allowed to buy alcohol that early in the morning! She said yes, so the day was off to a cracking start!

I rolled up to the theatre around 9.35, and had to wait for the gates to the theatre to be opened. Seriously, my family are always so early for things!!! I didn’t have to wait long for more people to arrive, but it was staring to rain and we didn’t want to be standing outside for very long. Jacc and Craig turned up and Jacc sat in the car refusing to get out and say hello to everyone(!), I got in the drivers seat, gave him a slap and a hug, and eventually he got out! We all went into the theatre, threw stuff down, and after a very patronising talk from on of the techies, it was spacing time!!

All the big numbers had to be properly spaced on the stage, something which I was extremely relieved about, as for most routines I hadn’t got a clue where I was meant to be; I was just running about and barging in wherever I felt like it! Then, with spacing over, the kids arrived to space their routines and we got the chance to bag the best dressing rooms!!

Before we knew it, it was dress rehearsal time, and everyone went into panic mode. Make-up was slapped on, people were choking through clouds of (my) deodorant and gallons of hairspray, and costumes were still being fixed and lost!

Despite a couple of hiccups, the dress run went really well (apart from Georgie hitting her head in the middle of a routine and having to leave the stage), and everyone was buzzing and ready for the evening performance. We had a little bit of time before we had to be ready, so some people left to get food, or have a little sleep, and the rest of us stayed behind to blow up nearly 200 balloons! (For the song 99 Red Balloons, obviously!)

Then it was re-application of make-up time, and I was informed that I’d be doing programme selling at front of house. A little team of us attacked the crowds selling our wares, and getting very excited at seeing our friends and families (and the Mayor of Kettering) arrive. With ten minutes to go, and most of the programmes sold, we headed backstage, costumed up, and took our opening positions.

Myself, Corinne and Jemma were the vocalists for the first song of the show, ‘Rock Around The Clock’, and it fell to me to sing the first line of the show. We were placed at the front of the stage in between the house curtain and a gauze curtain hiding the rest of the cast. A musical montage played while the curtain rose, exposing the three of us for what seemed like an eternity, but before I knew it, my opening ‘beat’ of music kicked in , my line came out and the show began! It seemed like 5 minutes between starting and the interval; the show absolutely flew by! We all pulled together, helping each other with lost costumes and attaching hoods to each other with expert precision. Then all of a sudden it was the finale, Take That’s ‘Never Forget’. The song finished, we all came on and took our bows and then did our cheeky waves to the audience… and received a standing ovation!

Had I not been so tired, I probably would have cried. Jacc had put so much effort into whipping everyone into shape and creating an amazing show, I was so proud of him. He completely deserved every single clap that night.

The after show party went the same as usual, at least two people seeing their insides on the floor or in the toilet again(!), and a very late bedtime. I stayed at Jacc’s for the whole day Sunday too, got dragged out shopping and had a lovely time! Bank Holiday Monday whizzed by in a blur and yesterday was my birthday!

I was summoned to Jacc’s for a present-giving ceremony and Beef Stroganoff (private joke!) which had an… interesting taste! And then it was onto the next Starlight project! We have an audition for the new TV series on Channel 5 called ‘Don’t Stop Believing’. We were planning on doing the crowd pleaser from Saturday; our dance to Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’, but found out we couldn’t do a dance, it has to be a vocal performance. Cue Natalie and Jacc thinking over everything we’re done in previous shows that shows off our talents.

So, we’ve now got our entry sorted for Saturday, we’ve got rehearsals late this week, we’re off to Pizza Hut tonight for myself and Caroline’s birthdays, and I’ve made some lovely new friends in the Starlighters. It’s funny how shows can force people together so closely so quickly. ‘Evolution’ was only on for one night, yet I know that their friendship means more to me than just a quick ‘Hello’ on Facebook every now and again.

We’re all so excited to watch the DVD of the show together, we know from the audience reaction that it was an amazing night, and in helping each other, we know that no-one was let down, we all pulled together as a team and entertained the 400-odd strong crowd far more than our appalling attempt at Eurovision would have done!

Congratulations again to everyone involved in the show, we did it! Let’s show these telly folks what we’ve got on Saturday, and see you later for birthday pizza! :) x


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