Sunday, 14 April 2013

A-Z of Acting. K is for...

Keep going…

I’m going to sound like a broken record with the amount of times I keep saying that trying to find acting work is hard, but it really is. You have to constantly search for jobs, even when you’re working, you’re always looking for the next thing. No-one wants to be ‘resting’, we need to act!

Last weekend I found myself feeling sad that my two weeks of filming were over and I faced nothing but acting unemployment, and a part time job at my local theme park. With funds running low, I was back to basic membership of my preferred casting website, meaning I could only look at unpaid jobs, so all of the juicy jobs (if there are any about) were out of sight.

I started the week off in my usual spot on the sofa eating breakfast when I received a text message from someone I had recently worked with offering me the chance of working with him on his next project in a more hands-on role. Naturally, I immediately said yes! I was buzzing for the rest of the day, excited that I now had a new project in the pipeline, and that I would be working alongside someone who wants to be a success as much as I do. I sprang to action that night and researched into what my role would entail. (Please note, I am not divulging the nature of the project as I don’t want to jinx it, sorry!)

It was all I could think about for the rest of the week, and I got a bit carried away with creating lists and tables and forms, without even knowing much about what the project was! I love organising things, and I just couldn’t wait to get started! I even made myself a new notebook, and found a folder to keep all of my paperwork in check! I don’t think he knows what he’s let himself in for!

Annoyingly, my part time job featured heavily this week. I’ve just completed four consecutive days of being chirpy and friendly to people in disgusting weather. Friday was terrible. It rained all day. I started work at 10am and finished at 4pm, and it barely stopped. The area that I work in is a walk across a long field away so I ended up going to work in my wellies, I looked ridiculous. There were so many times that day that I wanted to give up and go home, there were no customers, what use was I? The occasional family came in so we had to stay open, and despite the horrendous weather, I’m now glad that I stayed. I’ve earned enough money to be able to book myself in for a headshot session with my chosen photographer. That’s what this job is all about for me, earning enough money to get things I need for my acting career. As much as I might moan about the job, at least it’s getting me what I need.

The Easter holidays are over now, meaning that work is now closed except for weekends, so I’m back to my weekdays of finding things to do. Top of my list is to find an agent, I had my first rejection email a couple of weeks ago, I was just happy to get a response! So if you’re wondering what I’m up to, I’ll most likely be in bed with my copy of Contacts, and perusing the unpaid jobs board. I’ve got to keep going somehow…


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